داستان آبیدیک

martial art


1 عمومی:: هنرهای رزمی

Also with Onisaburo's encouragement, Morihei converted part of his house into an eighteen-mat dojo, and opened the Ueshiba Academy, where he taught introductory courses in the martial arts, mainly to Omoto-kyo followers. In the year following Morihei's move to Ayabe, the instruction offered at the Ueshiba Academy gradually increased in range and depth, and word began to spread that there was an exceptional master of the martial arts living in Ayabe. In this way he was able to realize in his everyday life the belief that there is an essential unity between the martial arts and agriculture, something that was close to his heart and was to be a recurring theme throughout his life. From around this period Morihei's practice of the martial arts gradually began to take on a spiritual character, as he became more and more absorbed by the study of kotodama. Morihei tried to resume his former life, uniting the practice of the martial arts and farming by teaching at the Ueshiba Academy and working on the Tennodaira farm.

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